Articles on: Business

Getting Started With API

This page will help you get started with Web API.

In order to connect with our APIs, first, you will need to have a valid account in our systems. A valid account is a registered account that has been approved by our relevant stakeholders in the company.

Don't you have an account yet? Sign Up Here!

After your account is verified and approved, you can login using your email and password. Once logged in, you can purchase a plan and gain access to Okoora's API.

Okoora supports API Key Authentication. This way, we can identify the request coming from you and no one else. You can generate up to 3 API Keys for your Account.

For generating your first API Key, you will need first to Login Our Platform with your primary user (The user that created the account)
After doing so, you need to open Developers Page and Request API Integration With Okoora.

On the developer's page, you have your Client Id, which is a unique Identifier for your particular account.
The Client Id will be needed to be sent in the Header of each request together with the API Key.

In order to create an API Key, you need to provide a name for your API Key and press "Generate".
After generating your first API Key, it will be hidden. You can copy it directly to your clipboard by pressing "Copy", or viewing it by hovering over it.

Please keep in mind that the API Key is a secret key and should be shared or exposed only with the relevant stakeholders in your organization.

After receiving at least one API Key, you can start using our Web API.
Here you can find the API full documentation


Updated on: 08/20/2024

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